Future Of Software Engineering

Introduction to engineering:

Basically engineering is the scientific and technical field in which various things like designing , developing can be done in different format.In other word engineering is the field that involves our scientific and technical understandable to solve different problems.engineering is the field in which practical knowledge is more important than the theory knowledge so it is practical based field.engineering can include the development of various things like construction of buildings,bridges,roads,machine,tools,car,processors,computers,software etc.

Types of engineering:

Basically there are various types of engineering some of them are as follows:           
    Future Of Software Engineering
  1. Mechanical engineering
  2. Civil engineering
  3. Chemical engineering
  4. Electrical engineering
  5. Software engineering
  6. Computer engineering
  7. Management engineering
  8. Geo technical engineering
and many more.There are more than 40 different types of engineering degree as well.

Software engineering:

A software engineering deals with the various task or operations which can be used in computer as software.The software engineering is the field in which discipline is necessary for structure approach to the programming that is used in engineering to software development with the goal of quality improvement save money,save time as well as save efficiency.Basic subjects to complete degree of software engineering is computer science,mathematics and other programming related subjects.Software engineer is also called as the overall system engineer because there are many related field with software engineering.The most important thing used in software engineering is the technique means how can you use the technique of your own to solve the related problems.For this you must have the strong technique skills.

The must used programming languages in software engineering:

  1. C (For basic knowledge)
  2. C++
  3. Java
  4. JavaScript
  5. Python
  6. C#
and many more.We can hear that software engineering is the hard degree.Yes it is .We have to learn and understand the different languages of machine as above.Which is quit difficult but if we understand it is very easy and useful to make our carrier better.

Some key skills for Software Engineering:

    Future Of Software Engineering
  1. Computer programming and coding should necessary
  2. Problem solving technique
  3. Fundamental of Information Technology
  4. Logical thinking
  5. Great teamwork
  6. Should have capacity of data analysis
  7. Should have capacity of debugging 
  8. Project management
  9. Software development
  10. Should have knowledge of programming language and debug your program


We can compare software engineering vs other like electrical,mechanical,civil,chemical,geo technical etc there is the vast difference between them but computer engineering,computer science, IT engineering etc are related that is there is least difference between between them.Those unrelated engineering should work on the electrical equipment,construction of buildings,roads,bridges etc but related field should work on computers,operating systems and other information technologies related field which make the human mind more technical and helps to solve complicated problems.

Future Of Software Engineering:

According to the survey the no of job opportunities in software related field in all over the world will increase by 28% that means the opportunity is very high.We all know that in today's world technology is increasing day by day that means the use of software also increases. We can clearly say the the future of software engineering is bright.The top most trending technologies in future are:
Future Of Software Engineering

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Block chain
  • Cloud computing
  • Intelligent apps
  • Angular and react
  • Virtual reality 

and many more.These technologies will take the human world into the different level.Through Artificial Intelligence we can make our work to the robots which are more intelligent than human beings.Through virtual reality we can communicate or make the virtual images to connect with different people in all over the world which makes the human life more easier and faster and software engineering has the important role in those trending technologies so the importance as well as the use of it is increasing day by day.Those technologies are machine means they understand machine/programming language and in software engineering we study as well as do practical about such related things so we can clearly say that the future is related in software engineering.

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