Making Simple Jackpot Game Using C++

What Is C++?

C++ is an object oriented programming language which gives focus on object rather than process.In c++ data can be hidden or can make it secrete.The main concept of object oriented programming(c++) is based on objects,which may contain data in the form of field often known as attributes and code.Many of the most widely used programming language that support object oriented programming includes C++,Java,PHP,C#,Ruby etc. C++ is statically typed,compiled,general purpose,case sensitive programming language that supports procedural,object oriented and generic programming.

Uses Of C++:

  • C++ is used  by thousand of programmer in essentially every application domain.
  • C++ is being used for teaching and research purpose.
  • It is easy to use and understand as well.

Making Simple Jackpot Project Game Using C++:

#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

using namespace std;

void Start();
void GetResults();

int i, j, life, maxrand;
char c;

void Start() {
i = 0;
j = 0;
life = 0;
maxrand = 6;
cout << "Select difficulty mode:\n"; // the user has to select a difficutly level
cout << "1 : Easy (0-15)\n";
cout << "2 : Medium (0-30)\n";
cout << "3 : Difficult (0-50)\n";
cout << "or type another key to quit\n";
c = 30;

cin >> c;                   // read the user's choice
cout << "\n";

switch (c) {
case '1':
maxrand = 15;  // the random number will be between 0 and maxrand
case '2':
maxrand = 30;
case '3':
maxrand = 50;

life = 5;         // number of lifes of the player
srand((unsigned)time(NULL)); // init Rand() function
j = rand() % maxrand;  // j get a random value between 0 and maxrand

void GetResults() {
if (life <= 0) { // if player has no more life then he loses
cout << "You lose !\n\n";

cout << "Type a number: \n";
cin >> i;
if((i>maxrand) || (i<0)) { // if the user number isn't correct, restart
cout << "Error: number not between 0 and \n" << maxrand;

if(i == j) {
cout << "YOU WIN!\n\n"; // the user found the secret number
} else if(i>j) {
cout << "Too BIG\n";
life = life - 1;
cout << "Lives remaining: " << life << "\n\n";
} else if(i<j) {
cout << "Too SMALL\n";
life = life - 1;
cout << "Lives remaining: " << life << "\n\n";

int main() {
cout << "** Jackpot game **\n";
cout << "The goal of this game is to guess a number.\n";
cout << "Jackpot will tell you if the number is too big or too\n";
cout << "small compared to the secret number to find.\n\n";
return 0;


This is the normal output of the above program you can change it by your own coding style also.It is the normal c++ program to make the jackpot game.You can play it by selecting the difficulties level as shown above and guessing the correct number to win the game  in the life of 4 otherwise you lose.

At last C++ is very useful programming language in every field.Through C++ small projects to large projects can be made.Every primary use interface of different systems like Apple,Macintosh,PC,is written in C++ so every person who use this system also use C++.It is regarded as Middle Level Language(MLL) as it comprise a combination of both High level language(HLL) and Low Level Language(LLL).It is also known as the super set of C.


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