PI Network The First Digital Currency

Introduction To Pi Networking:

Pi networking is the first and new digital currency which you can easily mine from your phone which is developed by Stanford PhDs. Pi is very easy to use and understand. It means you can make money by mining crypto coins from your mobile phone.

Steps For Downloading and maintaining the pi network on your phone:

1. First of all your mobile phone should have internet connection 

2. Go to play-store and search for Pi Network application 

logo of pi network

3. After that install that application into your phone

4. After installing you have two options that is continue with facebook or continue with phone                number

5. You can choose any one option you want

6. After that you have to setup your account 

7. Fill  all things clearly like First name , Last name and User name

8. After clicking submit there is another page where you have to enter the invitation code in which you      have to enter ashishpaudel06 other wise you are not able to earn pi.

9. This is the last step where you have to click on get started button to start mining.

Thinks To Be Noted Carefully:

1. The main thing is that you need the invitation code otherwise you are not able to connect with pi            network and not able to earn any crypto currency.(INVITATION CODE IS : ashishpaudel06)

2. Another very important thing is that you have to open the application per day and collect the pi that        you have mine within 24 hours.This is also very important.

3. You do not have to be active in that application just open within 24 hours and collect the pi that you        have mine 

Read the above steps carefully the start mining from today if you have any problem you can comment below. invitation code is ashishpaudel06



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