The Truth About Area-51

Area 51 has become a focus of modern hypothetical theories due to secretive nature.There are many theories,but we explore the most interesting ones.No one knows the truth but the theories are interesting.

Area 51 is the common name that everyone knows but it is not it's official name it's official name is Nevada Test and Training Range.It is located in the Nevada of United State Of America.During the period of world war -2 many area's like Area 1,Area 2,Area 3 are used to test the different nuclear bombs and weapons and this Area 51 is the test place during world war 2 periods.In other areas nothing mysterious is report but in Area 51 many people claimed that they observed different unusual activities.

In year 1997 Coast To Coast Am which is a radio show in which a person call in a real time who claim that he work on Area 51 Now you can see the conservation between the person and radio reporter...

Person:Hi i don't have a whole lot of time
Art:Well look let's find out whether you are using this line properly or not
Person:Area 51
Art:Yeah that's right where you there an employee or are you now
Person:I am former employee.I was let go on a medical discharge about a week ago and I kinda been running across the country don't know where to start.They are gonna they will triangulate on this position really,really soon
Art:so you can't spend a lot of time on this phone ,so give us something quick
Person: OK mm.. What  we are thinking of as aliens art,they are Extra dimensional Beings that an earlier precursor of the space program made contact with uh,they are not what they claim to be they have infiltrated a lot of aspects of the military establishment particularly Area 51 the disasters that are coming the military and the government knows about them and there is a lot  of safe areas in this world that they could begin moving the population to now.
Art: But they are not doing anything?
Person:They are not .they want those major population centers wiped out so that the few that are left will be more easily controllable.
 (Breaking connection).

During live connection is lost and know that who is the person and what is happen to him.

In Area 51 Drones, Aeroplane,Jets are not allowed to fly over them as well as the satellites are also not allowed to capture the image of Area 51 which makes it more mysterious. The image that is captured using very high tech camera is shown below.

The Truth About Area-51

Government also does not tell anything about Area 51 to the public.Many older people who claim that they work on the different section of  Area 51 they say that in Area 51 many things related to aliens are being test.Many people around Area 51 also claimed that sometime they saw very unique craft flying over Area 51 which is very advanced compare to today's normal technology.If there is nothing related to aliens in that place then why many restriction are there? which makes it more mysterious.

But nobody has any proof that In Area 51 different experiment to the aliens is done these are the only theories.


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