About Corona Virus

What is Corona Virus?

The Corona Virus is the kind of virus which is basically found in both human and animals.It is very dangerous virus that can also kill the people.Basically corona virus is found in cold/winter season because in winter season many people have the problem of coughing and sneezing and corona virus is transferred from one people to another through coughing and sneezing.It can be transferred by shaking hands,touching face or by touching dark nobs that infected people have touched.In human beings corona virus directly effect on respiratory system which is quit very dangerous.

History Of Corona Virus:

Corona virus was first discovered in 1960s,but no one knows that where are they came from.They get their name by their own crown-like shape and size and can infect both human and animals.There are various types of corona virus and some of them are very dangerous.About more than 800 people died due to Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) in late 2012.Also in 2014,2015 many people in Saudi Arabia,Africa ,Asia also died.In early January 2020 corona virus is spread in china and transferring slowly in all over the neighbor country like Nepal,India and other also.Almost thousand of people died and many are infected.

About Corona Virus

How is Corona Virus Transferred?

There are various things through which corona virus is transformed such as shaking hands with infected person touching dark nobs that infected person has touched and many more.We can listen news that corona virus is transferred in different countries though the infected person are least it is because corona virus is transferred through the air also.Through coughing,sneezing and other normal diseases are also the main reason for transferring of corona virus. 

Symptoms of Corona Virus:

  1. Headache 
  2. High fever (more than 104 degree)
  3. Coughing 
  4. Sneezing
  5. Neck pain
  6. Problem in breathing
These are the main symptoms of corona virus.If you have such symptoms then you should console the doctor.

Prevention And Care :

To  prevent from the dangerous corona virus you should follow the following tips:
  1. Daily wash your hand with soap and clean water.
  2. If such symptoms are shown then should console doctor.
  3. Stay far from domestic or wild animals.
  4. Use mask or handkerchief to close your mouth while coughing and sneezing.
  5. Stay far away from the person who have the symptoms of corona virus. 
  6. Do not eat egg and meat of any kind of animals.
  7. If you have to eat then cook them very well.
These are the symptoms and prevention care you should follow to stay safe and healthy from the dangerous corona virus.

In Early January 2020 Countries In Which Corona Virus Is Seen: 

In early 2020 there are various countries in which corona virus is seen some of them are:
In japan there are more than 14 people are infected,in Thailand more than 15 people are infected,in Italy 2 ,in Australia 9,in Malaysia 8,in France 6,in Singapore 13 and many more. Specially china has the more number of infected people in all over the world thousands of people died in china due to this virus.

Different countries people live in china so when they return back there is the chance of having corona virus so countries government should check very carefully.Countries like Nepal,India has high number of transferring corona virus because these are the neighbor countries of china.China has built the distinct hospital specially for the treatment of the corona virus. Chinese medical teams sent to aid Hubei's corona virus control.By the night Jan 28,2020 nearly 6000 medics from all over china had headed for Hubei. They all join forces with local medics in the province and fight on the frostiness of the novel corona virus outbreak.

About Corona Virus

China is the fastest developing country in all over the world so it doesn't take much time for prevention of corona virus.China makes distinct hospital specially for the prevention of corona virus and aware every people to take care and follow the prevention tips to save your life.

The very sad thing about corona virus is that there is no medicine to prevent it .According to the research it is found that specially corona virus is seen in animals such as snake and in china people eat snake and the virus is transferred due to eating snake.World Health Organization(WHO) doesn't declared corona virus as the world level emergency but team is being  ready to prevent from the viral of corona virus.Everyone is suggested to wear marks while moving in public places as well as not to go into the infected countries specially China,Japan,Australia etc.

Check this also:

News about corona virus


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