Future Technologies

It's 21st century and we all know that technology is developing day by day.In this past 30 to 50 years technology made a vast difference.Technology makes human life easier,faster and comfortable so that its developing is also necessary.Now we can imagine that in coming years where technology goes which definitely affect the human life positively.

Technology affect in different aspect of human life.In daily life,in medical field also technology affect very much.Some of the most demanding and developing technology is listed below.

Self Driving Cars:

These self driving cars are one of the coolest invention ever in the history.Basically these self driving cars are invented to decrease the road accident.According to research around 94% of accident is due to human irresponsible but if self driving cars came then definitely these will overcome the road accident.These cars operate without any human control which is very good thing.These technology is implemented by various companies and one of them is "Tesla",Tesla self driving cars implies high tech camera sensors as a car's eyes to navigate the car and monitor the surrounding which controls accident.These self driving cars are very useful to the old age people.

Future Technologies

Hyper loop:

This is also the another interesting and amazing invention of future.Basically hyper loop is the super high speed transportation system which can cover up to 600 kilometer in just 30 minutes which is very fast.Hyper loop works as the pods carry passengers travel through tubes and tunnels from which most of the air has been removed to reduce friction.These hyper loops will replace the trains and buses in the future.This concept was developed by Elon musk in 2012 and companies start working on it.

Future Technologies

3D Printer:

This 3D printer is also a coolest invention ever.Can you imagine that anything you want will be in you hand with the help of 3D printer.This is basically helps to build the new building as well as different toys in 3 dimension before making it in real life.As well as the 3D foot print will bring the huge difference in the agricultural world.

Future Technologies

5G Mobile Network:

As well all know the mobile generation is also developing day by day.In this year 2020 5G network will be in use.The maximum speed of 5G network is 20 GB per second which is very high speed and it has the capacity of downloading 10-20 movies in just one second.It 10 times faster and can control more traffic than the today's 4G LTE network.Different mobile companies like MI,Samsung,Huawei are started to launch the 5G processors in their upcoming new smartphones. 5G network will help in different things,as technology is developing so that faster internet is also necessary so 5G is necessary.

Future Technologies


Robotics also the great invention of future through this robotics different things that people cannot do can be done with the help of robots.In today's world also in different parts of the country robots can be seen doing various works but in future all the works done by human beings is replace by the robots which is very good things in some aspects but this robots can also be dangerous.

Future Technologies

In medical field:

Technology play an important role in medical field in future,different technological products like 3D printer,Automatic operation theater and many more where the 3D printer helps in  customizing the dental products as well as the helps how to use the different medical equipment's through which it is easy to understand and utilized the thing.Robots are also used in medical sector through which different kind of big as well as small operation can be done without any mistakes.As well all know many people dies due to the misbehave performance of doctors during operation and robotics operation will overcome this problem. 

Future Technologies

Computer Vision:

The main concept of this technology is to make computer visualize and see the world as how human being sees.By the help of this technology computer can interact with different things as how human interact and makes problem easier.Through computer vision it can see the things which human cannot see such as temperature,air quality etc.Different filters we used in Instagram,snap-chat etc are also the part of computer vision.This is also one of the fastest growing technology in today's world by which computer can do everything.

Future Technologies

Virtual Reality:

This technology is also called as the mixed reality where we can see the connection between the real world and virtual world. Through this technology we can communicate with anyone in all over the world through virtual reality means there will no screen to see the person's face there will be the 3D reality which seems that person standing near by you,which is very interesting technology and have the ability to replace the screens.

Future Technologies

Some list of the other small future technologies used in our daily life is listed below:
  1. Camera in Arm
  2. Sub dermal watches
  3. Internal LED lightning
  4. E-Tattoo
  5. Advance eye bionic
  6. Implantable smartphone
  7. Flying cars
  8. Quantum computers
  9. Artificial Intelligence
  10. Nanotechnology 
  11. Space technology

This technologies can be seen in up coming few years.These technologies makes human life easier and faster but this makes human more lazier which is very bad for health.Technologies are made for the longer and effective use but in some how they can affect the human body as well so,to prevent from these side effects of technology we should use them in a limited ways.

All the researches says that one day the robots will replace the human being from the earth if we take them lightly. Technology can maintain as well as can destroy the human life so that we should use the technology effectively and carefully.These above technology will lead the human beings and earth to the next level which is very good things by which we can explore the various new things which helps to make human life more easier than today's life.


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