Amazing Astronomical Events That Will Happen In Future
We all know that our universe is continuously increasing day by day and the speed of increasing is 72 km per second and the time of increasing the universe is from 13.8 billion years back.Then we can imagine that how big is the universe.In this big universe some major space events happen that we don't able to know or we missed it but today i will tell you about some major amazing astronomical events that will happening in future and before i start i wanna tell you that this is not any prediction this amazing astronomical events are 99.9% happening in future.
Astronomical Event No.1
This event is happening in this year and the date is 12 December 2020 where two planets Jupiter and Saturn comes very near and the distance is almost to our moon.This event was already happen in year 1623 and believe me this scene will be very amazing but there is one problem we cannot see it by our naked eye to see this event we should have powerful telescope.
Astronomical Event No.2
In coming year 2021 means next year NASA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration) is launching a very powerful telescope named as James Webb Space Telescope which price is almost 66,000 crore but why NASA is spending so much money in just a telescope? The answer is with the help of this telescope we can know that what is happened in 13.8 billions years back by living in today's year. means we are able to know that what is happened to our universe in past.
Astronomical Event No.3
In coming year 2024 SpaceX is launching a project where it will launch a necessary equipment s in mars to able to stay the human environment in mars.If this mission is successful than mars will be the second planet of our solar system where human beings can live and this is the very interesting and important project by SpaceX.
Astronomical Event No.4
In coming year 2027 we can see the longest solar eclipse which is about 6 minutes and 28 seconds and this solar eclipse is the longest eclipse that is happening after 10,000 years back in past.
Astronomical Event No.5
In coming year 2029 the asteroid named as Apophis passed very near to the earth.In this time the distance between earth and this asteroid is about 35,000 km.Another thing about this asteroid is that many scientists says that there is about 2.4% chance that this asteroid will collapse or hit on the earth.If we survive when this asteroid hit on our earth than more astronomical events will happen.
Astronomical Event No.6
In coming year 2034 the Leonid Meteor Shower is gonna happen.In this date at night time the sky is seems very beautiful another this about this event is that this gonna happen not for few minutes this gonna happen till 24 days and i am also very excited about this Leonid Meteor Shower event.
Astronomical Event No.7
In coming date 8 September 2040 the planets Mercury,Venus,Mars,Jupiter,Saturn and Moon are align in the straight line as shown in image below.In this alignment we can see all these planet are in the straight line.Another interesting thing about this event is that we can see this alignment by our naked eye.This event is happening in year 2492 but in this year 8 planets align in straight line but none in the earth will alive to see the event in 2492.
Astronomical Event No.8
In coming year 2052 we can see the 21st century largest super moon which size and brightness is very high as compared to normal moon.
Astronomical Event No.9
In coming year 2062 the population of the planet mars will reach to almost 10 lakhs but this thing can be say as prediction because to make live of human beings in other planet is not a joke but the founder of SpaceX Elon Musk has says confidently that how we can live in planet Mars.
These are the major astronomical events that is happening to our lifetime.
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