Current Situation Of Corona Virus

In all over the world more than 10 lakhs people are infected due to this corona virus.And we all know that due do the careless United State of America is in no one place of total infected persons which is around 2 lakhs 45 thousand which is very bad thing.

In Nepal many tourists came to visit but due to this lock down they are not able to return in their own country.In march 27 According to TIA Qatar airways is coming to nepal to pick them.The first batch of essential medical supplies donated by the china's richest man,Jack Ma and Alibaba foundation for nepal arrived in Kathmandu Mr.Lino Ahlering,Managing Director for Daraz in nepal acting on behalf of the two foundations took part in a ceremony in march 28 during which the donation was presented to ministry of health and population. 

The government has requested to all the house holders to exempt a month rental fee for labors in city area.This is the decision of march 29 cabinet meeting.Nepal government has decided to provide life insurance of almost 25 lakhs to the health personnel including ambulance drivers and security personnel who are involving in COVID-19 prevention and treatment.

Former King of nepal,Gyanendra Shah has announced donation of Rs.2 crore to government's relief fund.He has also expressed his thankfulness to health workers,Army,Police and Armed Forces.Private Hospitals are not allowed to return COVID-19 suspected patients as per supreme court's interim order.You can dial 1145 or 100 in case of domestic violence during lock down.Nepal government has ordered District Administrative Office and hotel association nepal to provide the information regarding the condition of about 13000 tourists struck in nepal due to lock down.

Government has got detail of 84% people who came in contact with 4 active COVID-19 cases in nepal right now.They will be quarantined ,monitored and also tested if they start showing even slight symptoms.Nepal oil corporation has donated 50 crore rupees to the government relief fund.The corporation has handover the cheque to the office of the prime minister and council of ministers.Nepal Telecom has donated 12 crore ruppes to the government relief fund.In this total amount Rs.2 crore was contributed by staffs. NTC has handover the cheque to the office of the prime minister and council of minister. 

Total sample tested in nepal till today's date : 1145
Total positive cases:5 (1 is recovered)
Total negative cases:1140

Following table shows the total no of cases, new cases,total deaths,new deaths,total recovered cases,active cases and serious cases of different country.

corona virus

Well current situation of corona virus is very bad in some countries like USA,Italy and many more where in other countries also it is spreading rapidly day by day.

Learn more about Corona virus:



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