Tips To Keep Your Heart Healthy

The heart is a muscular organ which pumps blood throughout the body.It is made up of cardiac muscle.It lies in the thoracic cavity and is enclosed within a pericardium.In between the two layers of pericardium pericardial fluid is present which protects the heart from injury. It makes the friction less momentum of the heart.The heart has two upper chambers called auricles or atrium and two lower chambers called ventricles.Auricles are thin walled whereas ventricles are thick walled.Thicker wall of ventricles provide sufficient force to pump the blood at the greater distance in the body.

Tips and trick to protect your heart from different diseases:

1) Actively exercise at least 150 minutes per week
2) Follow an overall well-balanced diet
3) Visit doctor once in a week
4) Stay hydrated by drinking at least 3-4 liter water every day
5) Sleep 6-8 hours at night
6) Remove the drinking  and smoking habit
7) Manage your blood pressure and cholesterol
8) Stay happy and well satisfied
9) Eat healthy,nutritious and fresh vegetables and fruits
10) Eat sugar less and well as fatty products
11) Eat more fishes
12) Eat less salt as well

Heart is the very complex organ of human body so you should take care of your heart. Many people does not take care of their heart through which they have to suffer from different unexpected diseases like coronary artery diseases, congenital artery diseases ,myocardial diseases and sometimes heart failure also which is very bad thing.
There are four valves in the heart:

1) Tricuspid Valve:

Tricuspid valve is located between right auricle and right ventricle.It has three muscular flaps.Blood passes from right auricle to the right ventricle through this valve.When the right ventricle contracts,tricuspid valve closes and blood passes towards lungs through pulmonary artery.

2) Bicuspid Valve:

Bicuspid valve lies between the left auricle and left ventricle.It has two muscular flaps.Oxygenated blood comes from the lungs through four pulmonary veins to the left auricle.When left auricle contract,the bicuspid valve open and blood from left auricle passes to left ventricle. Similarly,when left ventricle contracts,bicuspid valve closes and blood passes towards aorta.

3) Pulmonary Valve:

Pulmonic valve is present at the opening of pulmonary artery.The pulmonary artery arises from right ventricle.When right ventricle contracts,this valve opens and blood passes towards the lungs.It is semi lunar shaped.

4) Aortic Valve:

Aortic valve is present at the opening of aorta.The aorta arises from the left ventricle.When left ventricle contracts,aortic valve opens oxygenated blood passes to the whole body parts through aorta.
Picture of human heart

Some important parts of human heart are:
  • Superior vena cava 
  • Right atrium
  • Pulmonary valve
  • Tricuspid valve
  • Pulmonary artery
  • Pulmonary vein
  • Left artrium
  • Mitral valve
  • Inferior vena cava
These above are the basic things about the human heart you should know.

The best natural exercise to keep your heart always health was the regular exercise like walking,summing,cycling,positive thinking.Some foods like candies,junk food,cookies,pastries,soft drinks ,sugary products are very dangerous to the heart and i will suggest that those person who have minor heart problems should avoid those foods to keep their heart healthy.

Is your heart healthy?Here are some tips that helps you to know that your heart is healthy or not.

In whole over the world millions of people dies due to the different heart problems so you should take it seriously and follow the above steps to make your heart healthy.Unhealthy heart gives many sign that you should know some sign are aching in chest or shoulder,sleeping problems,irregular heartbeat,difficult in breathing,jaw and mouth problems,aching in the legs and feet etc.Vitamin D, minerals like potassium ,magnesium are used to keep your heart healthy.

There is the normal step to check whether your heart is healthy or not:

Step 1: Put you index and middle finger on the other hand 
Step 2: Get a watch and starts to count the taps you feel
Step 3: Multiply that number by 6 and you will find the average heart rate for 1 min

-For adult it should be 60-100 beats per minute(bpm)
-For child it should be 70-100 beats per minute(bpm)
-Heart rate greater than 100 should be dangerous

This is the simple and easy steps you should know to check that your heart is healthy or not at home.


You can also check this ⇊⇊

Stay tuned for more health related tips and tricks.🙂


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