Tips And Tricks You Should Follow During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is the stage of carrying and developing small baby inside the womb of female body. Pregnancy normally occurs for nine month and this is the most difficult stage of a woman.During pregnancy more than one child can form inside the womb of woman.
Normally pregnancy occurs by sexual intercourse but we know that its 21st century and technology is developing day by day so reproductive technology helps any woman to be pregnant which is very good thing.
During pregnancy woman should have to be very careful because small mistake can make very harmful.
Basically there are three stages of pregnancy also known as trimesters:
Normally pregnancy occurs by sexual intercourse but we know that its 21st century and technology is developing day by day so reproductive technology helps any woman to be pregnant which is very good thing.
During pregnancy woman should have to be very careful because small mistake can make very harmful.
Signs Of Pregnancy In First week:
Actually first week means the starting stage of pregnancy means still you are not pregnant but some signs can be seen during first week some of them are as follows:
1) Swollen of breasts is the first and main symptoms that you are pregnant.
2) Headache
3) Vomiting
4) Small bleeding
5) Nausea
These are the small symptoms you can see during the first stage of pregnancy.
A Pregnant Woman |
Basically there are three stages of pregnancy also known as trimesters:
1)First Trimesters:
First trimesters is from week 1 to week 12.In this stage sperm fertilize the egg and the fertilize egg travels from ovaries to uterus.Things you should follow during first trimesters is shown below:
- Take vitamins
- Do regular simple exercise
- Drink more water
- Visit doctor
- Eat fresh fruits,vegetables,protein fiber etc.
2)Second Trimesters:
Second trimesters is the stage from week 13 to week 28.In the middle stage of second trimesters you can actually feel the momentum of the baby inside womb.At second trimesters more than 90% babies can survive outside of the uterus.Things you should follow during second trimesters is shown below:
- Exercise well
- Do proper tests with the advice of doctors
- Start moisturizing
- Start shopping of clothes
- Regularly visit doctor
- Learn about second trimesters with doctors
3)Third Trimesters:
Third trimesters is the stage from week 29 to week 40.This is the final stage so you have to be very careful because at anytime baby should came out.Things you should follow during third trimesters is shown below:
- Continuously visit doctor (1 in 2 day)
- Take vitamins
- Do kegel exercise regularly
- Drink water
- Eat healthy and fresh food
- Stay alert when you feel swelling or pain
- Do not eat too much
- Sleep less
- Keep walking
If you follow above steps during first , second , third trimesters than you should not have to worry about anything and you can easily give birth to the healthy baby in the world.
You should know that babies born before 36 weeks are at the higher risk of suffering from different kind of health diseases.
---Babies born between 36 week to 38 week are consider as early term.
---Babies born between 40 week to 41 week are consider as late term.
---Babies born after 41 week are consider as post term.
Giving Birth is the second most felled pressure by human after burning alive in fire.😑
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